Cape Town – The price of petrol will increase by 67c a litre from next Wednesday, while the price of diesel will be 44c a litre more, the Department of Energy said on Sunday. Energy Minister Mamoloko Kubayi said the rand/US dollar exchange rate and the prices of petroleum products in the international markets are the main contributing factors for the September price hike. “The Rand depreciated, on average, against the US dollar during the period under review.” In addition, there was an increase in the crude oil prices coupled with a weaker rand, massive floods caused by the storm […]
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Petrolprys styg skerp in Mei
Source: Netwerk24 Petrolpryse kan in Mei met sowat 60c per liter styg en dieselpryse met meer as 40c. Petrolpryse kan in Mei met sowat 60c per liter styg en dieselpryse met meer as 40c. Ná die daling in die brandstofpryse in April wat veral Paasvakansiegangers gehelp het om hul begroting te laat klop, word ’n skokstyging in Mei verwag. Dié styging word voor die deur van die onlangse afgradering van Suid-Afrika se buitelandse skuld tot rommelstatus gelê. Petrolpryse kan in Mei met sowat 60c per liter styg en dieselpryse met meer as 40c as die huidige markfaktore die res van […]
Continue readingXtreme for Kids Cycle Tour
And so we have come to the end of another Xtreme for Kids Cycle Tour. Our fifth so far. These are our achievements of the last 5 years: Only two cyclists have managed to cycle the whole route from Johannesburg to Cape Town (Dirk Lourens x 5 times and Alan Klette x1) Dont throw away Kerryn Klette who done 1500 km of the road . Dirk has cycled close to 10 000 kms for our cause. In total close to 100 000 kms have been cycled on this tour by our teams throughout the years. More than 40 000 school […]
Continue readingWarehousing 2018: from cost centre to growth centre
Warehousing operations and IT professionals need to respond positively to the significant changes and challenges that will be influencing the industry over the next five years – or face disaster. At its most basic, warehousing is a simple concept. It’s about storing materials or goods and filling orders from one end of the supply chain to the other. But in the real world of today, tomorrow and especially five years from now, growing complexity means warehousing is evolving to become anything but simple. Today’s warehousing professionals are feeling significant pressures from multiple internal and external sources. The global recession affected the […]
Continue readingPositive outlook for agricultural exports
A predicted change in weather patterns could bring some relief to southern African agricultural producers who have recently seen production and export revenue losses due to severe drought. “Long term weather forecasts predict a 55- 60% chance of the current El Niño weather pattern transitioning into a reverse weather pattern known as La Niña,” said First National Bank (FNB) senior agricultural economist, Paul Makube. He added that were was therefore a high probability of above-normal rainfall early in spring this year, which would result in improved agricultural production. Makube told FTW Online that, weather permitting, agricultural producers should be able […]
Continue readingLargest white maize shipment from Mexico arrives
Yesterday saw the arrival in South Africa of the largest shipment of white maize for the season from Mexico, report online sources. “We have received 56 019 tonnes of white maize from Mexico, the largest shipment for the 2016/17 marketing season so far,” said Agricultural Business Chamber senior agricultural economist Wandile Sihlobo, quoted by Bloomberg. “The shipment would go a long way to helping South Africa meet its demand for white maize,” he said. The marketing season started at the beginning of April this year and will end on April 30 next year, according to the online news provider. White […]
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