diesel increase set for Wednesday this week

The petrol and diesel price is set for another increase on Wednesday, following a 52 cent increase per litre in June.The Department of Energy announced in a statement that a litre of 93 unleaded petrol (ULP) and lead replacement petrol (LRP) would increase by 11 cents a litre and a litre of 95 ULP and LRP would increase by eight cents a litre. Transporters will pay an extra 42 cents for a litre of diesel (0.05% sulphur), while a litre of diesel (0.005% sulphur) will increase by 41 cents. Please follow and like us:

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Self-belief is the biggest ingredient for success

A successful entrepreneurial journey starts with a determined vision, a little bit of self-belief and faith in your own ability. According to Erina van Schalkwyk, owner of GEL Supply Chain and entrant of the 2016 Entrepreneur of the Year® competition sponsored by Sanlam and BUSINESS/PARTNERS, this is the winning recipe for a thriving business and fruitful entrepreneurial adventure. Erina and her husband, Gert, have had an exciting journey in the logistics sector over the last few years, and even more so recently with the opening of new successful businesses in 2015. Inspired to support her family after her father’s unexpected […]

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Maize import volumes reflect drought impact

South Africa has become a net importer of maize for the first time in 12 years. The South African Grain Information Service reported yesterday that 1330 tonnes of white maize had been imported from the US last week. The last time maize was imported from the US was in April 2004, where 32937 tonnes were brought in, Times Live reports. According to Grain SA, South Africa may need to import 3.8 million tonnes of yellow and white maize this year to make up for the local supplies lost due to the drought.  Please follow and like us:

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Wheat import tariffs raised 

The ministry of finance has approved a 34% import tariff increase on wheat imports to R1 224.31 per tonne from R911.20 per tonne. The National Treasury granted Grain SA’s request but, in a statement, expressed concern about the effect of the automatic tariff formula on the price of bread and other staple food. A spokesperson said therefore that Treasury had asked trade and industry minister, Dr Rob Davies, to institute an urgent review of the increase. The controversial request by Grain SA has met with some opposition. The National Chamber of Milling (NCM) executive director, Boikanyo Mokgatle, said recently: “Why […]

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Cost increases set to delay new truck acquisitions .

A 30c/l increase in the fuel levy, another rise in interest rates and new consignor/consignee legislation will all load more costs onto a transport industry that is already struggling to remain profitable, says Standard Bank business vehicle and asset finance head Toni Fritz. Operators competing for market share in an environment dominated by shrinking profit margins will respond in various ways to the increased costs created by these major changes, she notes. Small and large operators who will normally consider buying new trucks, will now probably lengthen their replacement cycles to avoid the higher costs of replacing vehicles. However, this […]

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