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Transport and rail sector under review
The current state of affairs within South Africa’s transport sector, specifically the rail sector, has been informed by a variety of legislative and policy documents with various rail initiatives. These have been launched over the years by different stakeholders, often leading to uncoordinated objectives in the utilisation of rail infrastructure. As a result, the rail sector has existed in the absence of an over-arching rail policy. South Africa is currently undergoing a regulatory ‘restructuring’ evidenced by the various policies and draft Bills which have been or are in the process of being promulgated. Historically, road and rail-based passenger services in […]
Continue readingNOK verwag kleiner koringoes
Droogte het nie net vanjaar sy merk op die somergraan-oeste gelaat nie, maar die koringoes wat eersdaags in die Wes-Kaap gestroop word, sal na verwagting ook heelwat kleiner wees. Die Nasionale Oesskattingskomitee (NOK) het sy skatting van die koringoes met 3,3% tot 1,64 miljoen ton verlaag weens die droogte in die Swartland, waar tot twee-derdes van die land se koring verbou word. Volgens André Kirsten, ’n koringboer van Darling en lid van Graan SA se bestuur, is vanjaar die droogste jaar op rekord vir die Swartland. “Daar is plek-plek totale misoeste aangeteken, terwyl daar weer ander dele van die Swartland is waar […]
Continue readingTransport management needs macroeconomic approach, urges logistics professor .
South Africa is a transport challenged country and, although transport-related issues should be a government priority, this is not the case and government has not yet mastered managing transport and logistics from a macroeconomic perspective, Stellenbosch University (SU) logistics professor Jan Havenga told delegates at a recent meeting of the Transport Forum, in Durban. Print Send to Friend 1 0 He added that a great deal could be gleaned from the Logistics Barometer launched by SU’s Logistics Department earlier this year. The barometer measures logistics costs as a percentage of a country’s gross domestic product (GDP) and unpacks this to […]
Continue readingPetrolprys daal
In ’n week vol nare syfers – oor ekonomiese groei, die rand en meer – was daar darem Vrydag ’n ligstraaltjie: Die petrolprys daal eerskomende Woensdag met 69c per liter. Dit werk uit op R34,50 per tenk van 50 liter. Dit is die derde agtereenvolgende daling in die petrolprys en beteken ’n liter 95-oktaan-petrol kos jou nou R12,37 in die binneland en R12,14 aan die kus. Die Automobiel-Assosiasie (AA) waarsku egter dat dit moontlik die laaste daling in die petrolprys is. Dít omdat dit lyk asof die rand verder kan verswak én omdat internasionale brandstofpryse dalk nie nog verder sal kan daal nie. […]
Continue readingTPT gets set to develop R8 bn bulk terminal
The granting of a permanent operating licence for the manganese terminal at the Port of Ngqura gives Transnet Port Terminals the green light for the estimated R8 billion development of a bulk minerals export terminal. The terminal is set to handle its first vessel in February 2019. “It’s all systems go for us to relocate our Port Elizabeth manganese operation by the 2018/19 deadline. We will operate the existing two deepwater dry bulk berths C100 and C101 at the Port of Ngqura (PoN) while the full expansion project ramps up to meet an anticipated throughput demand of 16mt per annum […]
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